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The last week of Term 1. Every year seems to go that little bit faster!! The children have fully settled into P5 and have worked really hard over the last 8 weeks.Well done girls and boys.

This week in Literacy we have continued with our daily writing and are still focusing on the inclusion of all necessary punctuation, with increasing success. We wrote a short story about a futuristic girl and her robot dog, about what our 3 wishes would be and why and we had to come up with ideas for the possible uses of our mystery object ....

In Numeracy we have been working on addition word problems, using chimney sums in our working. We are finding some of these word problems challenging so will continue with more practise after the holiday. 

For our Oceans topic we have been comparing and contrasting the Arctic and Antartic Oceans and have discovered some really fascinating facts. We are focusing on pollution and conservation now too and are very excited about Matthew's visit to the Alhambra in a few weeks to see Steve Backshall.

Our Art has been Oceans themed, using paper plates to create fun whale and porthole pictures. For Music, we have started a daily practise of our songs for the Big Sing event next February. ( P5 and P5/6 have been invited to join Fife's Schools Community Choir for a  fun performance in Glenrothes at the beginning of next year. )  And in P.E. we continued with practising our balls skills, playing a variety of different games.

It was so nice to meet everyone at our Parent Contact meetings over the last two weeks and please remember to get in touch at any time if you need/want a chat. Have a lovely break. I look forward to seeing the children back in class in a fortnight.