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We have been enjoying the gorgeous weather this week and making the most of the sunshine by getting out each day for the Daily Mile. Not sure how long it's going to last ...

In Literacy we continued our work on word building to support our reading and spelling; looking at prefixes and suffixes and their meanings. We have our spelling words for homework which can be found on Seesaw and we're busy 'rattling through' and thoroughly enjoying our group readers. In Writing we used last week's plan to retell a traditional story: Jack and the Beanstalk, puting our work into paragraphs and adding plenty of descriptive language to up level our sentences.    

In Numeracy, as part of Place Value, we have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100, and using these skills to estimate totals. We are getting the hang of it and are finding that working on wipeboards at the carpet is helping to support our learning.

For our topic 'Oceans' we have moved onto studying the Atlantic, finding out about it's importance in history for settlements and trade and the environmental impact its gradual growth is having on the planet. We made hanging paper octopuses in Art and copied a passage on sharks as handwriting practise. 

In PE we used our passing skills and tactical practise to improve our Benchball and Basketball. And in HWB we completed our posters highlighting daily personal hygiene requirements.

Fingers crossed for a sunny weekend ...