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A busy week in Primary 5. There was much excitement as we enjoyed our first Free Play sessions this week. We have lots of fantastic new games and activities to support our imaginative and playful approach to learning. Why not have a look on Seesaw at our photographs from this week.

In Literacy we looked at 'root' words and how to build on them using recognised prefixes and suffixes for Grammar and in Handwriting. In Writing we discussed and made a detailed plan for retelling the traditional story of Jack and the Beanstalk, which we will write next week. Our Reading is up and running now and the children will be bringing home their book every week with pages to share with you. Details about our Term 1 Homework Grid and all homework expectations will be uploaded tomorrow onto Seesaw for you to see. 

In Numeracy we have continued to look at Place Value, working with 3,4,5 and even 6 digit numbers. We're doing really well and are feeling confident about moving onto addition and subtraction soon.

For our topic 'Oceans' we collected information about the Pacific Ocean in ICT and conducted further research about the wildlife found there. We watched some short video clips from Disney+ Nature about the oceans and thoroughly enjoyed the amazing cinematography. As a consequence, we have decided we would like to learn more about the underwater volcanoes and some of the more gruesome creatures that dwell below !!

In Art we created some beautiful line patterned fish drawings which we will display next to our other topic work, once completed. In P.E. we are starting term 1 working on ball skills and developing our tactics in a variety of ball games. 

We rounded off the week with a dress down day in support of our Summer Fete. We were really lucky with the weather and it was lovely to see so many of our children having such fun. Wishing you all a lovely weekend.