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This week we have been introduced to some new games in P.E. Two new games were introduced  to the class on Monday, Eskimo rounders and Dragon tails. We enjoyed being out on the field in the sunshine, building upon our team working skills and collaboration with these new games.

In Project, we have been finishing our digital literacy filming using the green screens. Editing and reviewing our Horrible History Roman clips. We look forward to sharing these with you all soon. We have also been learning actions to a very catchy Roman song. Ask me about this!

In Numeracy, we are looking at measurement and have looked at finding the volume of 3D shapes. We have been concentrating on using the correct units for our answers. We have also continued focusing on our diary writing in Literacy time. We have built upon our peer assessment and used the traffic light assessment strategy to mark a friend's work. The children enjoyed marking and reading each others work.

As always, the weather has been on our side this week for Field Friday and we have been finishing off our John Muir Challenge Award.

Enjoy the long weekend,
Miss Graham