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P4/5 had another busy week of fun and learning!

We have continued to focus on different strategies for addition and subtraction over the course of this term. We were able to finish looking at our final strategies in subtraction this week and even try some tricky empty box questions to challenge our knowledge/skills on previous strategies. The children have done amazing at remembering all of the different ways to complete the addition/subtraction operation.

In literacy, we were learning all about collective nouns. The class had a few favourites including a school of whales and a murder of crows! This was a very interesting lesson which the children enjoyed! In writing, we continued our focus on persuasive writing. Thinking about OREOs for helping our layout. Ask me about this!

As always a highlight of the week has been reading and completing tasks on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. What a great novel so far! We have had the chance to watch some short clips from the movie and compare/discuss what is similar/different to the book! We look forward to taking the topic of Chocolate and our knowledge of fairtrade into an enterprise context in the next few weeks.

We also received our certificates this week for the Young Writer's Competition that we entered! The class' poetry was a huge success and Miss Graham looks forward to seeing it soon in the 'This is Me' poetry book. The picture below shows some of the successful pupils' with their certificate. Check out Seesaw for some more photographs!

Lots of fun things to look forward to, we can't wait to share our enterprise ideas with you soon.

Miss Graham