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What another quick week in Primary 4/5!

This week we started our new topic on Chocolate! A topic which has already caused lots of excitement in the classroom. Linked to this we have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and completing our workshop for literacy tasks through this.

We have been working really hard in addition and have now covered all of the strategies in this area. This week we have focused on the formal written method known as the column strategy or chimney sums. Lots of pupils found success in this method. Next week we will be looking at strategies for subtraction.

As we have been covering how to keep safe in health and wellbeing this term, this week we focused on road safety and keeping safe in Winter when walking home from school/ walking in dark winter evenings. Ask me about this at home.

One of our favourite parts of the week happened on Thursday when we went outside for another outdoor learning session. The children are really enjoying getting out into the playground and making some natural connections. As we plan to continue these sessions into the winter months, please ensure your child comes to school with appropriate shoes and warm clothes/coat.

Have a super weekend.
Miss Graham