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Primary 4/5 have spent some time this week looking at the five point scale in Health and Wellbeing. This allowed the class to explore different emotions and identify different triggers linked to how someone is feeling. It was interesting to discover that what one person thought was a trigger to make them frustrated/annoyed could actually be something that another person found helpful and actually helped them relax and feel happy. We will continue to look at this scale in class and apply the strategies we use in the terms ahead.

In Literacy this week we have enjoyed using our imagination to create our own pirate adventure in association with our class novel. We completed a character description on a new 'pirate' pupil joining Canmore and we enjoyed reading our partner's creative ideas!

We also used our creativity in P.E this week as we explored movement pathways in creative dance. The pupils enjoyed creating small routines linked to popular Disney songs!

This week we have also turned our focus to rounding in Numeracy and although some pupils found this tricky at the beginning, everyone tried their best when challenged to round within bigger numbers. A small group of children even tried rounding decimals and Miss Graham was very impressed at the 'Have a go' attitude displayed.

On Friday, we celebrated Genes for Jeans day and enjoyed learning further about this cause. Our jotters also went home today and we ask that all jotters are returned as soon as possible so that we can continue to use them in class next week.

Many thanks,
Miss Graham