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Good afternoon
Primary 4 are continuing to settle well into the new routine of our school week.
In numeracy we are continuing with our place value topic. The children have been learning to partition, and are doing this much more confidently now. This is an important concept to understand as we will use it throughout the year in different areas of numeracy. 
In literacy we are focussing on our sentence building skills, and we have a particular focus on accurately using capital letters, fullstops, question marks and exclamation marks. We have also continued reading in our groups and reading homework will start next week. In writing we spent some time planning a 'Magical Jungle Adventure' in preparation for writing our Jungle Logs next week.
Last Friday the children were excited to have our first free play session with the Primary 4's in Primary3/4. These will take place on Fridays, and they allow the children the opportunity to play with friends in the other class and maintain these relationships.
In our topic on Dunfermline we learned all about Malcolm Canmore, and the Tower he built In Dunfermline. We even had a go at building our own towers, which were very creative.
Our homework will start next week, and information regarding this will be posted on Seesaw on Monday.
Just a little reminder that those who wish to be considered for class Eco-Committee member should come to school with their prepared talks on Monday.
I hope those of you who are able to attend the Summer Fayre have a lovely afternoon, and that you all enjoy your weeked.
Mrs Haddow