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I hope you all had a fabulous long weekend and managed to get out and about in the sunshine.

We returned to school with a Destination Judo taster session which everyone in the class absolutely loved. The children had great fun, practising all the games and have brought home an information pamphlet for your attention. 

In Literacy we have been continuing to develop our comprehension skills and looked at a passage on the Roman invasion of Britain. We copied a short piece of informational text about Julius Caesar for handwriting practise too. 

In Numeracy we had the opportunity to measure and compare the volumes of a variety of containers and worked with the units millilitres and litres. 

For Art we studied the work of Pablo Picasso and re created our own abstract portraits. They all turned out really well and looked amazing. In Outdoor Learning we planned our journey to the woods for next Friday. We had to look at local maps and decide on the safest and most convenient route. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Heggie and P4