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This week Primary 4 have been very busy completing the Scottish Government SNSA assessments. The children showed an excellent attitude and resolve throughout. Well done P4!

In Literacy we re-visited areas of Grammar to help support our assessments, in particular focusing on speech marks. We practised handwriitng, ensuring all our letters were formed correctly and neatly. We continued our reading group work and have started our new class novel, The Parent Agency by David Baddiel; which the children chose as they had enjoyed another of his books previously.

In Numeracy this week, we have been studying angles. We are combining these with directional instructions which is supporting the work on Orienteering that we are currently doing in Outdoor Learning.

For Art, we looked at the life and work of Vincent Van Gogh. We chose to re-create his well known painting Starry, Starry Night, using his characteristic short, sharp brush strokes. The results look amazing. 

Please remember that next week is a 3 day week for the children, with a holiday Monday and an Inset Day on Thursday. Have a great long weekend. See you all on Tuesday morning.

P4 and Mrs Heggie