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We've had a busy week in school, including celebrating Shrove Tuesday
( Pancake Day ) and World Book Day.

This week in Literacy we looked at the other use of apostrophes, in contractions. It took a wee while to realise that the letters don't move around and no other letters are ever added, but once we mastered that, we found it much easier to see where to place the apostrophe. We learned about the meaning behind having pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and got to sample some with jam and honey. Delicious !!!! And for Functional Writing we learned how to set out a recipe for making pancakes.

In Numeracy we continued Information Handling, reading and creating pictograms and bar graphs. We continued to work on Sumdog during ICT, in preparation for any possible challenges on their way.

This week we were looking at taste for our topic  'Our Bodies' . We watched a video all about how are tongues work and drew a labelled diagram, highlighting where the 5 different tastes can be found. We then got to sample each of the 4 main tastes ( sweet, sour, bitter and salty ) and experimented to find out if the areas matched up with our experiences. The coffee granules definitely had a stronger bitter taste at the back of our tongues !!!!!!! Yuck !!

Thursday was World Book Day and we had great fun joining in all the associated activities. The book swap proved extremely successful and the children were delighted with their new books. Thanks to everyone who managed to bring books in.

On Friday we watched a video explaining the use of traditional scarecrows and got outside for a short time to collect grass and twigs to help create our own miniature scarecrows. We were pretty impressed with our results.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.