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It was lovely to see everyone back after the mid term break. We've had another busy week!

In Literacy we looked at possessive apostrophes, finding out when and how to use them correctly. We will be working on Functional Writing over the next few weeks; starting this week with science reporting. We conducted an experiment on light refraction, making predictions and analysing results. We learned how to set out the written report, having discussed what information we thought was necessary to include. 

In Numeracy we have started our block on Information Handling. We have been practising how to interprete
data from tables, bar graphs and pictograms. We have been consolidating our number skills in ICT , using the platform Sumdog, and hope to participate in a Sumdog challenge soon. 

As part of our topic 'Our Bodies' we will be studying the 5 senses. This week we focused on the eyes. 
We watched a short video, explaining how the eye works, and we were fascinated with all the optical illusions that we looked at. As part of our Art we even had a go at drawing one ourselves. It wasn't easy but we persevered and ended up with a fun picture to take home. 

In P.E. we started our gymnastics programme of work. This week we found ways to travel, whilst keeping one part of our body on the mat at all times. We were very lucky to have a Handball Taster session on Thursday too. The children were extremely enthusiastic and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. 

For Outdoor Learning this week, we had the opportunity to build shelters using tarpaulin and ropes. The children did a magnificent job and were rewarded with a wee treat of hot chocolate. 

Fingers crossed the weather settles soon. Have a lovely weekend.