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We are now in full swing with our Christmas Fayre artwork and it will be ready for you to see by the end of next week. Please do support us if you can.

This week in Literacy we have been looking at adverbs and how they can enhance our writing. We used dictionaries to help us change adjectives into adverbs using the -ly ending and we also practised converting adverbs back into adjectives. We completed a Comprehension exercise about St Andrew's Day and watched a video about how children and their families like to celebrate.

In Numeracy we consolidated our understanding of number stories (or families)and completed algebra calculations where we had to find the missing number or symbol. We found these a little daunting at first but with practise we are getting more confident. 

We have been learning some new Scottish Country Dances with Mrs Hay in P.E. and hope to perform them at our class Christmas Party later this term.

For our topic, Energy and Forces, we designed and made areoplanes which had the least air resistence. We had to think and plan carefully with the best shapes to achieve our goal. 

For Outdoor Learning this week we looked at water usage and learned how best to filter it successfully. It was good fun. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.