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In Literacy we continued our work on developing characters within imaginative story writing ; this week focusing on ogres !! Recently we have been enjoying reading about topical environmental issues for comprehension including plastic pollution, sea animals, Scottish wildlife and climate change. 

In Numeracy we are working within number, transferring our skills to working with larger numbers and word problems. We have been working hard on the presentation in our jotters too, learning to set out work methodically and neatly using the squared pages.

For our topic 'Forces and Energy' we looked at air resistance and conducted an experiment making and testing the flight of paper helicopters. We noticed that how we folded the two ' blades' had a direct influence on the direction in which it twirled round. 

For Outdoor Learning we continued our Natural Connections programme. This week we collected and made characters from the natural resources found in the playground. We hope to write about them next week.

Here's hoping the weather isn't too extreme over the next two days !! Have a great weekend.