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This week has flown by. We continued working within Money for Numeracy, looking at the different ways we could calculate change. We also used some of our mental maths time to play interactive money games on the educational site, Topmarks ; again working out change. In Literacy we completed a comprehension task and Writing task about Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot. We finished off the week completing a Fireworks picture, using coloured chalk. 

In ICT we are working through the BBC programme, Dancemat, to improve the accuracy and speed of our keyboard skills. 

We are enjoying our new topic,' Energy and Forcers' and worked together to investigate the various ways that objects move. 

We thoroughly enjoyed our Outdoor Learning experience on Thursday where we looked for signs of Autumn, made leaf rubbings and helped to collect litter in the playground. We also spent the afternoon celebrating Diwali and making giant chalk rangoli pictures to brighten up the playground. 

Friday was dress down in House colours and the children had great fun completing all the activities arranged by the P7s. What a busy week !!

Here's hoping for continued dry, bright and crisp autumn weather and wishing you all a pleasant weekend.