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Welcome back after the holidays. I hope you all managed some 'down time'. We were straight back into our work on Monday.
In Literacy we looked at using adjectives and adverbs to 'up level' our sentences and managed to write a Hallowe'en inspired story; using lots of topic related vocabulary and phrases. We are back into our group reading as well, many of us enjoying a new story this week.
In Numeracy, we continue to practise our mental maths number skills and have started our next topic, Money. We have been practising adding amounts and  looking at the different strategies for calculating change, which we will continue into next week.

Our new IDL topic is Energy and Forces. We started off by establishing what we already understood about Forces and introduced some new vocabulary; which we will explore in more detail over the coming weeks. 

We will be concentrating on improving the speed and accuracy of our keyboard skills in ICT this term, starting off by accessing the BBC Dancemat programme.

We rounded the week off with some 'Freaky Friday' Hallowe'en celebrations. Everyone came into school looking awesome and we had a fun filled day full of suitably ' spooooky' activities. 

Wishing everyone a 'saaafe' weekend. 

Mrs Heggie and Primary 4