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This has been a very quick week but we've still managed to get lots of great work done. In Numeracy we are continuing to focus on Place Value, looking at the sequence of numbers in our number lines. We are enjoying our Friday practical maths too, learning about how best to tackle word problems and which strategy is best to use.
In Literacy our reading is up and running. The children will leave their reading folders in school Monday to Thursday so we can read together in our groups. On Thursday the children will bring the folders home to enable further practise at home, before returning them on Monday again. This term we are looking at imaginative story writing, concentrating on the sequence and uplevelling of our work. We are working on the presentation of work in jotters and practising our handwriting to ensure correctly and neatly formed letters.

We had fun in ICT this week completing a quiz all about Dunfermline and are now looking forward to learning more about Andrew Carnegie in our topic work.  We hope you enjoyed looking at our African line drawings from Art which we uploaded onto Seesaw, as we're rather pleased with them !!

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.