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It's been another busy week for Primary 4. The children have been busy rehearsing and recording their Roman script plays. In Literacy, we have been practising our handwriting; copying passages about Romans, checking for correct spelling and punctuation. We've now completed our Reading programme for the term so if you have any school books at home, could you please return them by Tuesday. In Numeracy, we have continued to practise our word problems, in particular focusing on division. On Wednesday, the class took part in an Active Schools team building activity. We had great fun completing all the tasks and during a class discussion afterwards, we could see the importance of good communication and team work. We finished off our Outdoor Learning programme this week with a Scavenger Hunt. The children had fun chasingĀ  round the field, searching out the items on their list. I can't quite believe that next week is our last week of Primary 4. The term will finish at 3.00pm on Thursday 24th June. Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Primary 4 and Mrs HeggieĀ