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It was lovely to see some more parents this week at the two remaining Parent/Teacher meetings. The weeks are flying by and it won't be long until we reach the end of Term 2 !!
In Literacy this week we worked a little more with verbs, looking at different tense endings. We also practised how to summarise a piece of text, using our reading books as a starting point.
In Numeracy, we continued to consolidate our known tables, using a variety of games and activities, whilst introducing the 4 times Table.
We've also been studying magnets and magnetism which we found really fascinating. We have designed our own toy or game incorporating a magnet, and are now in the process of making them.
On Friday, we had our Reconnector where the focus was Anti Bullying Week and we followed this up in class with a few related activities. We mixed up pairs of socks which were very amusing to see around the school.
Have a lovely weekend.