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In Primary 4 everyone has worked very hard with Mrs Spencer on multiplication calculations.  We looked at utilising the grid method and had lots of practice in groups and pairs. For this we have to know our time tables and we ask for parents to help us with this at home.
We wrote a recipe for Spelt Flour Roman bread with Mrs Murdoch and then enjoyed mixing up all the ingredients and baking the bread.  Miss Irvine also helped us with this activity.  It did smell very good!
We coloured in maps to show all the countries the Roman empire conquered, completed our Roman mosaics and worked on our Roman Name Word Art. 
We have all been given special jobs to do for a Roman "Show and Tell" morning for parents and we have been working in small groups with Mrs Wehmeyer on preparing for our presentation.  Details about this will follow soon. 
Mrs Spencer and Mrs Wehmeyer met some parents on Monday night and enjoyed telling them how well we are doing at school and with our work.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Primary 4, Mrs Spencer, Mrs Murdoch, Mrs Wehmeyer