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It has been a very busy time in Primary 4 with lots of writing, maths and spelling assessments that has been completed.  Well done to the boys and girls for trying their best.
A huge congratulations to the three children who has been selected as Pupil Council Rep, Eco Rep and Junior Road Safety Officer.  They are Noah Grew, Izzy Fraser and Charlotte Wright.  All children spoke confidently in front of their peers and was selected into these positions by class voting.  Very well done to everyone who was confident enough to speak in front of their classmates. 
P4 is also hugely excited as one of the Care Homes we have sent postcards to has taken the time to phone the school to say they have received our postcards.  They will also be sending a reply back to us.  We are kindly asking if anyone has any unused postcards at home to send it in to us so that we can use it for our Enterprise.  If you are able to donate any 2nd class stamps it will also be greatly appreciated by Primary 4.  We are using a map of Britain to indicate all the places we are sending cards to and also from those we receive a reply from.
Mrs Wehmeyer