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Good Afternoon

It has been another quick week in P3/4 but still we have managed to pack in lots of exciting learning experiences!

We started our week focusing on the ‘Rights of the Child’ and discussed how Canmore can become a Rights Respecting School in a whole school Reconnector. During our discussions Mrs Howie asked for each class to choose a ‘Right Respecting Schools Representative’, someone who could speak for our class during meetings and help support us in our rights journey. Congratulations to Emily Watt who is our new RRS Rep.

In Writing this week we used our plans that we created last week to write an imaginative ‘Toy Story’. There were some fantastic stories of toys coming to life and going on adventures, to toys going missing or stolen. We worked hard this week to try and include adjectives and descriptions of the characters and setting in our stories.

In Numeracy, we have continued to work on our addition strategies. We are now becoming more competent with using the Empty Number Line method to show our working. This is important as this means we can look back and see where we made our mistakes rather than getting it wrong. Next week we will be learning to use the partitioning strategy. We also continued to improve our recall speed of number bonds. We have been enjoyng playing the Topmarks Game- 'Hit the Button' to practise this. We have included the link below and on the Seesaw videos for anyone who wishes to continue practising at home, Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)

We completed a special Art task this week for the Dunfermline 'Angels Everywhere Project'. This year we were invited to design and decorate beautiful stars which will be put on display in the Kingsgate shopping centre throughout the month of December. We also started the first of our crafts for our School Fayre. Look out on Seesaw for our advertisments for our fabulously cute Sock Penguins. 

The highlight was our I.D.L lesson. This week, we worked together in our company groups and started to explore designing our new board games for Argos. We firstly learned about the process of game design and learned that the steps to a successful game are; identifying the problem or challenge, carrying out research, designing and creating a solution and testing it and finally evaluate the design. We then had a busy, fun, and playful approach to researching game design by playing and learning the games some of our friends brought in from home.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. 
Miss Yorkston and P3/4