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Good afternoon,

I am writing to you after another wonderful week of learning and fun in P3/4. As we have been working super hard in class and at home for our Scot's Poetry recital, I would like to thank you for all of your support behind the scenes at home. The children are loving learning Scots and have done a brillant job with the poems. Next week we will announce our class winners and then Mrs McIntosh will watch the three finalists and select our overall class winner. From the little glimspe we have been able to see this week, it will be a tricky job indeed!

Our January topic focusing on Scottish Wildlife has been influencing our reading and writing tasks this week. We finished our class novel 'A Snowy Robin Rescue' which was based on a real life animal rescue by the RSPCA. The children are also looking after all of our stuffed toy animals really well in our SSPCA in class and love playing in the SSPCA corner. This has also allowed our focus to turn to the birds and animals in our garden and making sure we don't litter to ensure the safety of all animals near our playground. We have been learning how to take notes, writing in bullet points and the P4 pupils have gained lots of confidence writing in paragraphs. Our writing focus this week has been fact files and in our tools for writing sessions we have been looking at our personal targets in our books. Ask me about this at home!

In Numeracy, we have started looking at revising our 2,5,10 tables and skip counting forward and backwards from any number. This has also helped us in our written work for subtraction. The P3 pupils have really worked hard in subtracting within 100 and most P4 pupils are now gaining confidence in subtracting beyond 100. Keep logging on to Sumdog to reinforce these simple number bonds and facts so that we can grow in confidence even more!

Have a great weekend,
Miss Graham