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What a lovely welcome Miss Graham received on Monday morning from Primary 3/4. We have been learning lots about each other and making some new friends too. At the beginning of the week we made our all about me cube for our time capsule. We also used our measuring skills to measure how tall we were and to cut some string to our height to put inside this box. We hope to keep the all about me cube and string until the end of the year and then open our time capsule and see how tall we will be next June!

We have focused alot this week in health and wellbeing on the important message that all feelings/emotions are okay, the book 'The Colour Monster' reminded us of some of the colours and feelings we might have and we shared some examples of what makes us feel happy, sad, scared, calm etc. We also learnt the BSL signs for the colours and this is helping us to sign in and complete our lunch choices each morning. Miss Graham has been rather impressed by our BSL skills and also impressed at how organised we are having our lunch choosen before we come to school-keep this up!

We have also completed a spelling and numeracy  check in this week to see how much we remember from last year and Miss Graham has also been feeling very happy at our place value skills. On Wednesday we had a coach from Dunfermline tennis club join us for gym and we had lots of fun practicing our ball skills at catching and hitting over a net! Check out our seesaw post.

We have had a fantastic first full week back and look forward to all of the fun this year will bring. 

Have a great weekend,
Miss Graham