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The children in Primary three have just completed their first full week of the new term and it's been very busy. We have been working hard on learning the new routines of the classroom and have been introduced to our social target for next week which is being repectful to others. The children have agreed this involves using kind words, listening carefully to others, being polite and making an effort with jobs we have been asked to do.

Mrs Greig and the class have been working on Yoga moves in her P.E slot and is linking the moves to different stories. I have been working with the class on practising different types of jumping and how to land correctly. This is linked to our Gymnastics block of learning this term.

In Maths the children have been working with numbers to 100. Next week they will be introduced to skills involving numbers to 1,000 including recognising them, counting in sequence and numbers before, after and between. There will be consolidation of numbers to 100 for the children who need this. The class effort towards their maths on Friday was super.

In Writing this term we are working on ensuring we are using a capital and full stop correctly in every sentence, using our spelling strategies and careful handwriting. This week we had read a book called 'When the Crayons Quit.' For writing they had to think of an item in the class that was going to quit with reasons why. The ideas from the children were very imaginative including the bean bag in the library quitting because he kept getting squashed and the paper bin quitting because it was getting too many paper cuts.

Our Spanish lesson this week was all about weather words which links with our current project. We will continue to practise these words this term as we discuss the weather each day.

Can I gently remind parents that children will need P.E kit every Monday and Friday. There were a few children without their kit on Friday. Any child without kit will be given a reminder note from next week because for Health and Safety reasons, appropriate P.E kit is required. Thanks to all who have already sent in kit.

Mrs Greig and I look forward to hearing the boys and girls talk related to the Eco and Pupil Council reps. The talks will be done within a supportive environment and children who require a wee bit of help will be given this. Every child in the class has positive qualities that would make them a good rep. It will be up to the class to vote for who they think is the best person for each job.

Kind regards, Mrs Thomson