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Good afternoon,

There has been lots happening in P3 this week. We began the week learning about synonyms and how this helps make our writing even more interesting. We had a Synonym Hunt around the area to find fantastic vocabulary and then we improved some of Mrs Hay's sentences. We even had a go at editing 'The Faraway Tree' (our clas novel) to make it even better!

To celebrate Outdoor Classroom Day, we spent some time planting up the class planter. We have planted wildflower mix, viola and even a clematis. It doesn't have much to show for it at the moment but we know it will look amazing soon.

In IDL this week, we have been learning about pyramids and transoprting the materials to build them. We had a Boat Building Challenge to see how many blocks our boats could hold. It was a fiercely fought competiton! We also had an online session with the National Museum of Scotland learning about Mummification and the Afterlife. We had a brilliant time and look forward to extending our knowledge of this next week.

It was a sad day on Thursday as we said goodbye to our music teacher Mrs Baxter. We have been incredibly lucky to have such a kind and talented member of staff at Canmore. We celebrated all her achievements and her time at the school by holding a whole school Reconnector. She will be missed by staff and pupils but we wish her all the best. Thank you for all you have done during your time at the school Mrs Baxter!

On a brighter note, we will be back out at the woods next week. If you are able to help please let me know. 

Hope you have a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday

Mrs Hay and Primary 3