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Good afternoon,

What a fun week in P3. We had lots of fun visiting the woods in Outdoor Learning. We had the opportunity to make nature crowns to wear to the Coronation celebrations on Friday. We also had time for exploring the woods, as it has been almost a year since we last visited.

We have done lots of celebrating for the King’s Coronation. We learnt all about it with Mrs Ali on Wednesday. She explained all the different parts of the ceremony and wear it would be held. We played lawn games with the P6’s. They including Quoits and parachute games. It was brilliant. In the afternoon, we had our class party with P3/4. We played lots of royal themed games and had our Coronation snack.

In Numeracy, we have continued to work on our tables. Please keep working on these at home too. We are really good at our skip counting but not so good at remembering the stations of the tables. Our focus this year is the 2s, 10s and 5s. If you can do the stations of these tables, please move onto the 3s and 4s.

We finished up our simile writing with a special job for Mrs Baxter. We wrote her messages about how wonderful she is but we used similes to describe her. These are going to be included in a special gift for Mrs Baxter for her retirement.
Have a super long weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.

Mrs Hay and Primary 3