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Good afternoon,

It has been a fun but busy week in P3. We have continued learning about similes and have used this knowledge to write simile poems about ourselves. The descriptions have been fantastic. There has been hair that shines like gold and people as small and quiet as mice. In Writing, we have started to learn about using persuasive writing. We look at the good features of persuasive writing and then tried using these ourselves. We had to try and convince other members of the class to try a hobbie that we enjoyed or an sport we liked playing in PE. There were some great literary techniques used to try and encourage people give the chosen activity a try.

In Numeracy we have moved onto multiplication. This week we have spent time looking at the language of multiplication like equal groups and repeated addition. We will need lots of practise of our times tables. This year we will be focusing on the 2, 5 and 10. If these are too easy though, please feel free to move on to other tables. Practising in lots of different ways really helps so if there is a few spare minutes could it be filled with a couple of multiplication questions?

We had maps out in Our Egypt topic this week. We played a game of find the country and then looked for Egypt. We found the main cities and some of the famous landmarks and also plotted the River Nile on a blank map.

Please remember that it is a holiday on Monday but the school will be open again on the Tuesday. The school photographer will be in on the Tuesday for individual photos and sibling photos.

Lastly, we are looking to head out into the local community as part of our Silver Natural Connections Award. If anyone is free on Thursday afternoon (1:20-3pm) please come and join us. We can't go if we don't have enough adult helpers! Please get in touch on Seesaw or call/email the school office.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!

Mrs Hay and Primary 3