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Good afternoon,

Happy New Year, hope everyone is feeling relaxed and ready for the next term. It has been an incredibly short week but really lovely to catch up with what everyone has been doing over the holidays. 

We have been looking at New Year's resolutions this week. We thought about new things we wanted to learn, habits we wanted to change and things we are looking forward to. I'm happy to report that there are going to be lots more tidy bedrooms - IF they stick to the resolutions they have made!

This term there has been a slight change to our PE days. We now have PE on Wednesday and Friday. Please can children come dressed in PE kit on these days. 

Due to the change in the PE timetable there has been a slight change to our Outdoor Learning slot. This will take place earlier on a Friday. Please can we ask that children bring a change of shoes/wellies as we will be back in school after Outdoor Learning. Thiis will help us look after the carpets and the Gym Hall. We are hoping in the coming weeks to begin exploring some of the local woods in Outdoor Learning. We would be looking for helpers to accompany us on these excursions. If you are free on a Friday and would like to join us please can you let me know on Seesaw or call the school office.

Hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday

Mrs Hay and Primary 3