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Good afternoon,

This week we have had fun thinking about our Trolls (see the picture below) from last week. We have been planning a story about what the Troll is doing and who he meets. We have used story planning templates which helped us think about the characters, setting and plot. We are really looking forward to seeing the completed stories.

In Numeracy, we are looking at sequencing numbers. We have been using empty number lines to count in tens or even hundreds. Mrs Hay set some tricky problems but when we took them step by step and showed some resilience, we managed to solve them! It was very impressive.

In Health and Wellbeing, we looked at handwashing to help our new friend Bob. We talked about all the different ways that we had to rub our hands and how long we should keep the soap on. We are now hearing ‘Happy Birthday’ at regular interval at the sink area.

It was lovely to see everyone dressed down for Jeans for Genes today. We help celebrate by doing 6000 steps round the playground. We made it fun laps by changing the way we moved for each lap. We also got to design a pair of Jeans for a competition Primary 4 were holding. We all have our fingers crossed for a Primary 3 winner.

Hope to see lots of people at the Summer Fete this afternoon.

Mrs Hay and Primary 3