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Good afternoon,

This week, we have been working hard on place value. We have been building numbers with concrete materials. We have played Bingo and had a class scoot to show everything we knew. We have been estimating and measuring with metre sticks. We headed out to the playground so we had bigger things to measure.

In Literacy, we thought about our goals for the next year. We thought about what we wanted to achieve and the steps we needed to follow to get there. The whole class then wrote these up. We are going to put these into the class Time Capsule to see if we are any closer to reaching our goals at the end of the year.

We have been practising our ball skills in P.E. We have been learning a new game called Floor Football. The class were very good at rolling the ball with accuracy and correct speed to pass it to other members of their team.

Just a little reminder for Outdoor Learning on Fridays. It would be really helpful to have a waterproof jacket, waterproof trousers and wellies each week as the weather is changeable currently. We hope to be out each week unless the weather is really awful. This year we are hoping to get the Silver Natural Connections Award so we need to clock up as many hours as possible.

We hope that everyone had a relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Mrs Hay and Primary 3