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We have had a brilliant first week of term! The children have all come back with lots of enthusiasm and ready to learn. Mrs Hay was so excited to see everyone after the holidays and couldn’t believe how tall everyone was getting.

This week, we have had lots of opportunities to get to know each other again through play. The class have been exploring the new area and it has been lovely to be able to join the Primary 3/4 for some learning and playing.

On Thursday, we talked about the Canmore Values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience and what they mean. This gave us a chance to think about what we can do to look after ourselves, each other and the school. We also discussed how this helps us be ready to learn. This helped us decide our Class Promises for learning.

Please look in your child’s bag tonight as there is a little activity to do over the weekend about their name connected to a lesson we did about a book called ‘The Name Jar’.

We now have our P.E. days, these are on Wednesday and Thursday. Please can your child come dressed in their P.E. kit so that we have as much time as possible in the Gym Hall. Our Outdoor Learning Day will remain on a Friday (Fun Field Friday). As you will probably remember from last year, there are times when the children will come home incredibly dirty so old clothes would probably be best. On these days waterproofs and wellies would be great too, as regardless of the weather we hope to be out.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

Mrs Hay and Primary 2