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This week in Numeracy, we have been gathering and interpreting data by using tally marks and then creating pictograms and bar graphs.  Next week, we will be learning about 2D shapes and tiling. 

We read the next chapter of the Hodgeheg and are hoping that Max is ok after another tremendous bang on the head!  We been continuing our learning of the strategy of true, false and can't tell. We have been reading sentences about the Hedgehog story and deciding if they are true, false or we can't tell. We found the can't tell tricky so we will keep practising.

We have been learning about mini-beasts and their life cycles. We have made beautiful painted rocks. 

In Writing, we wrote about if you were a minibeast, what would you do?  We were trying to use good adjectives to describe the minibeast's life.  In our News writing, we have been continuing to use connectives to extend our sentences. 

We have been checking again on our Science experiment to see if any of our beans have grown. A bean plant has been put in the dark, out in the cold, with no water, too much water and in a sealed bag. We are starting to see some growth in some of our bean plants. 

In Phonics, we have been learning that y can also make the sound i for example fry, by, spy. We have also been practising the letters n and m in our handwriting. 

We have been learning about the importance of hand washing and we have been washing our hands frequently, especially before eating. 

We very much enjoyed our trip to the woods but we saw lots of litter on our journey to the woods and then in the woods. We used the litter pickers to pick up litter in the woods but the children would like to continue next week picking up litter on their journey to the woods.

'Wellie Wednesday'  will be on next week 11th March.  1.20pm-3.00pm. I would very much appreciate if any parents are free to help. If you are available please can you let me know. 

The children very much enjoyed sharing their favourite books on World Book Day. The children all looked great in their book character costumes and enjoyed our World Book day activities. 

Next week is Sport Relief and children are invited on Friday 13th to dress down in sports kit and bring money to buy baking. There will be Sport Relief rainbow wrist bands on sale all next week at £1 each.

Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Elvin & P2a