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This week we have been learning to tell the time. We have been consolidating our learning of o'clock times and have been learning to read half past times. Next week we will be learning about durations of time. 

In phonics we have been learning the 'ck' sound and the children came up with lots of different words for example black, packet.

The children enjoyed looking at a magpie photo and coming up with different adjectives to describe. When looking at the photo children were using the strategy I see, I think I wonder to help with ideas. 

We had a lovely time outside on Wednesday. We found helicopter seeds. The children were enjoying making them fly. We talked about how they are seeds from a Sycamore tree. The children then made their own helicopter seed with paper. The children learned they needed a paper clip to make  it heavier at the bottom. Also we were looking for birds and we saw gulls, black birds and magpies.  We also heard lots of small birds in the bushes and saw a Blue Tit.  There will be no Wellie Wednesday next week as it is an Inservice day. Our next Wellie Wednesday will be 19th February.We are looking for parent helpers to come to the woods. 

We have read the second chapter of the Hodgeheg. We have completed an activity about our favourite part of the chapter. We talked about how the hedgehog Max calls the traffic monsters. We were all excited that he found the zebra crossing. We are looking forward to reading Chapter Three next week to find out if Max manages to cross the road.  

Remember to sign up to Seesaw to see more of your child's learning. 

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Elvin