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Primary 2 really enjoyed making circuits last week and they were very excited to light the blub or make the fan blades turn.

In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn about the language of number and practising one more, one less, ten more and ten less.

We have been writing sentences about our personal experiences at the weekend. We have been retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs.

The children really enjoyed learning about an eco-village and how we can conserve energy by growing our own food, collecting rain water and using solar and wind power.

Lovely to see all the fantastic dream houses that have arrived, please remember to bring in your homework of your dream house by Monday 30th September. As we are looking forward to displaying all the houses that P2a and P2b have made and for the children to walk round on Monday afternoon and give feedback to each other.

Well done to all who have been bringing in the Aldi Stickers- we have completed a whole chart. Please keep collecting as we are hoping to fill another chart.

We are looking forward to 'Wellie Wednesday' on 2/10/19. We are planning an Autumn hunt in the school grounds. Please send your children with their wellies and outdoor clothing.

Please see below the letter that we are handing out at parents night for our 'Wellie Wednesdays' next term.

Dear  Parents,
Primary Two outdoor learning will continue next term ‘Wellie Wednesdays’ and it will be every Wednesday beginning on 30th October to 4th December 2019
Our outdoor learning will take place within the school grounds and also around the local area therefore I am looking for parent helpers to come with us. We can’t do our outdoor learning without parental support and we are looking for 2 parents for each class. If you are available for any Wednesday please can you let us know?
Name: _______________________________
Child’s Name:__________________________
Tel No:__________________________________
Please circle any dates you are available to help
30.10.19       6.11.19         13.11.19        20.11.19       27.11.19       4.12.19

Have a lovely weekend,
Kind Regards,
Mrs Elvin