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A short but busy week in Primary 2!
In Numeracy we have been working on jumping in groups of 3 and 4, identifying what comes before and after.  We have been using Number games and practical activities to support our understanding of this also.
in Literacy, we have been using our colourful semantics to look at 'where' in a sentence.  This has helped us to create longer, more interesting sentences as we use a Noun, Verb and then 2 more Nouns for example...'The boy was playing with toys at the beach.'
We also looked at Onomatopoeia - words that imitate the sound they represent, like 'hiss, crack, boom' and used these in our writing for dramatic effect!
We have been looking at sound vibrations and how sound can be created from making guitars to harmonicas.  Some Primary 7 pupils came to give us a hand to make these on Thursday afternoon - they were so impressed, they made some of their own too!
The weather has ceratinly changed and it is a much cooler end to the week.  With this in mind, can we remind everyone to ensure they are wrapped up warm when coming to and leaving school.  Parents, please ensure names are on all items such as hats, scarves and gloves.
Enjoy your weekend.
Kind regards
Mrs Greig, Mrs Thomson & Primary 2