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What a quick week it has been!
Mrs Elvin came to visit us on Friday. She had a wonderful time catching up with everyone and finding out all the learning we had been doing.
We have been learning all about plants this week. It began with finding out what each part of the plant did and discovered that plants make their own food using sunlight! Next, we looked at the life cycle of a plant. We have set up an experiment to find out the things plants need to grow. We have put broad beans into little bags and put them on the window. Mrs Hay has put hers in the cupboard (so the seed doesn’t get light) and then put another in the fridge (so the seed doesn’t get heat) so we can find out if seeds need these things.

Mrs Spencer came for a visit on Wednesday. She was looking at nouns, verbs and adjectives. We found this a bit tricky but we are going to persevere with this next week. In writing, we used our new knowledge of plants to write an informational text. The class wrote about the function of the parts of the plant even turning this writing into a flipbook! Fred the Frog visited this week to teach us about the 'or ' sound. Please remember that there is a further opportunity to practise this through the homework on Seesaw.

In Numeracy, we have moved onto division. We looked at sharing things equally between groups. Mrs Hay has been amazed how quickly the class has taken to this concept. Please keep practising the skip counting in 2s and the 2 times table. Learning these number patterns is such a help in division too.

It has been exciting in PE this week too. We have to practising the stations for the potted sports at Sports Day. There are going to be some pretty high scores put in by the children of P2. Sports Day is next Thursday (26th May), weather permitting. We all have our fingers crossed for good weather.

Please remember that the school photographer will be in school on Monday so full school uniform is required.

Have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

Mrs Hay and Primary 2