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We have been really busy this week!

There has been lots happening in Sarina’s Woodland this week. A pond appeared with frog spawn. This sparked a lot of discussion. It then extended to the life of not only frogs but butterflies too. There was also a visit from some really disrespectful people after school. They had a picnic and played games but they didn’t tidy up after themselves. We came in the next day to find lots of litter in the woods. Being the resilient bunch we are, we took this as an opportunity to practise our data handling skills. We surveyed the litter using tally marks and then drew bar graphs of our data. We have worked hard to make the woodland full of life making leaves and animals to really bring it to life.

In Literacy, we used our learning about the life cycle of a frog to write an informational text. We were very good about writing only facts and keeping things in the right order. There was also a visit from Fred the Frog to teach us more sounds. This week we were learning the oi/oy sounds.

We are still practising our two times table. This week we played games which allowed us to have fun while we tried to remember the stations in the tables.

In Outdoor Learning, we performed a role play of the frog life cycle. It really made us think about how the tadpole/frog changes through its life. We also played a seed scatter game which showed how squirrels hide food for the winter. We also had a chance to look at how are plants are growing. It is becoming a bit of a jungle. Our potatoes are looking particularly impressive (see below). Mrs Hay found out that if we talk nicely to plants that they grow better so there has been very positive comments to all of our plants.

Hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

Mrs Hay and Primary 2