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This week has absolutely flown by!

Throughout the week we have continued to write poems. We wrote about different colours. We gave three descriptions of a colour in the poem and then the class had to guess which we had written about. There were some very creative descriptions.

In Numeracy this week we have focused on the two times table. It is clear there has been lots of practising of skip counting. The class noticed lots of patterns of numbers when we closer at the numbers. It would be really helpful if you have time to go over the two times table at home.

It was exciting in PE this week to start practising for Sports Day. We had the opportunity to try some of the potted sports so that we can give it our best shot in a couple of weeks (The afternoon of Thursday 26th May'22) Fingers are all firmly crossed for good weather!

We finished off the week with Outdoor Learning. This week we had been learning about the woodland habitats and animal homes. We got to think about what each animal would need then we set to work building nests for some little visitors to the classroom.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

Mrs Hay