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We have been working hard in Primary 2 this week.

On Tuesday we had a surprise visit from Buzz, a 12-week-old Labrador puppy. Mrs Taylor brought him in to show everyone. He was incredibly well behaved and the class were very excited to meet him.

In Numeracy this week we learned about the Commutative Law in Multiplication. We decided that sometimes in maths there are big words for simple things! We found out that it meant you can write a times table equation either way and it still gave you the same answer. We also discovered what happened if you multiply by 0 and 1. The class have started looking at Data Handling. We made a sticky note graph to show how many girls and boys we had in the class.

We had a chance this week to finish our poems on the signs of Spring. The class described all the things that we saw, smelt, heard and touched in the garden. There were some super descriptions of fluttering butterflies, busy buzzing bees and sweetly singing birds. In ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ we found out the Farmers plan to catch Mr Fox. We focused on verbs in the text and wrote sentences using an interesting verb from the passage. As you can imagine, Farmer Bean picking his nose was a popular choice!

Our new project allowed us to find out about the six classifications of animals. We spent time sorting different animals into their groups. We were very good at working in teams to complete this job. We then challenged ourselves further by then doing a set of animals on our own.

Outdoor learning this week gave us a chance to plant some more of our vegetable seeds. We now have three sets of potatoes and peas. This is to add to the daisies, sunflowers and strawberries from last week. The music room will soon be a jungle if we keep this up!

Just a wee reminder that it is a holiday on Monday so I hope you have a lovely long weekend and look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.

Mrs Hay and Primary 2