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Good afternoon, 

Our Social Studies and Science this term is about Houses and Homes. This week we have been looking at different kinds of houses and identified what kind of house we live in. For example, a detached house, a semi-detached house, a terraced house or flat. We have been creating our own house from paper; cutting out a roof and drawing windows and a door. We are going to make a street with all of our houses. 

In Numeracy, we continued our learning on recognising, reading, writing, sequencing, and ordering numbers. We have also been learning to find the number after/ one more than, the number before/ one less than and the number between.

This week we read 'The Colour Monster goes to school' by Anna Llenas. The children really enjoyed the story and how the colour monster changed colour in the different situations at school. We drew a picture and wrote a sentence about our favourite part of the book. We also discussed how we feel in school and what makes us happy, sad, calm, or scared.  We picked one of the feelings and wrote a sentence about a time when we felt this at school. We talked about how we can feel lots of feelings in a day and all at once. 

 In Phonics this week we were consolidating our knowledge of ch, sh, th, wh sounds. We will continue learning to read and write words with these sounds throughout the term. 

On Tuesday for P.E, we were all very excited to participate in Run club again. We were proud to have all managed to jog two laps of the playground. We also enjoyed playing banana tig and took part in some sprints. This club will help the children develop their running technique. However, it will also help develop many other skills that will be beneficial to learning including concentration, perseverance and resilience. 

All the children received a reading book on Wednesday. I hope you have been enjoying reading together with your child. We read some of the book in school and I have set pages for your child to finish the book at home. However, if your child would like to read the whole book, that’s great too or if you want to share the reading and read a page each, just do what works for you and your family. Please return the reading book on Monday so a new one can be sent out on the following Wednesday. 

I have had some parents contacting the school looking for new home learning codes. I believe that the home learning codes from last year are expiring so I have sent new home learning codes today to any child who has not yet recieved a new code this term, Hopefully that will resolve the issue but please contact the school if you have any more issues, 

Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Elvin