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Good afternoon,

The children were excited to share their holiday weekend news of barbecues, parties, picnics and other family get togethers. This was a good opportunity for the children to practise adding a second and in some cases, third sentence to their pieces of writing. We are getting to grips with remembering to start each additional sentence with a capital letter.

We had a wonderful start to the week with a Judo taster session. Everyone was fully engaged and had a great experience. We hope you enjoyed watching us on Seesaw. We also reached our Daily Mile Destination of Canada this week and are already well on our way to Greenland.

In Maths we developed our understanding of repeated pattern as we copied, continued and created patterns involving colours, shapes and other objects. We then explored, recognised and continued simple number patterns.

On Thursday we learned the names of some common trees as we went on a walkabout to the local woods. We used a key and observational skills as we identified the trees from their leaf shape.

Have a lovely weekend,