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Good afternoon,
One of our school values is Respect and this week, by becoming aware of the beliefs and customs of others, we have been developing respect. Learning about Chinese New Year was interesting and fun!
We learned that each year is named after an animal and listened to the story of how the animals got their year. The children enjoyed learning that 2022 is The Year Of The Tiger and everyone born in that year is said to inhabit certain characteristics. They participated in some mindfulness tiger colouring in. Many of the children used lots of the colour `red' in their pictures and informed me that they had chosen this colour as they remembered that it is believed to be the colour of luck. The children also researched into the year they were born and found out that in our class we have two children born in the year of the Rooster and 17 in the year of the Monkey. 
We also became aware of the traditions of Chinese New Year and participated in some of the celebrations ourselves. We made kites ( which just happened to be symmetrical to allow us to explore this maths concept) and took them outdoors to fly and everyone had a taste of vegetarian noodles and thoroughly enjoyed them!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs.Davie and P1a