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Good afternoon,
On Monday we continued learning how to stay safe near and on roads. We became aware of the safest places to play when outdoors and we learned the importance of wearing a helmet when scooting and cycling. We also revisited how to cross the road safely.
In numeracy, we were introduced to the concept of subtraction . We have been using concrete materials and pictures to take away 0,1 and 2. The children noticed that ` taking away` is really just ` counting back' so we have also been practising counting backwards from 10- 0. This will support us in completing mental calculations. 
In Drama, we were using mime to retell the story of the little bear who visits the moon in the story, `Whatever Next' and then transferred the knowledge and skills gained in our Literacy lessons about using non-fiction books to successfuly use the non-fiction book `Come and Visit The Moon' to answer our questions about the moon.
 In STEAM, we were thrilled to continue on the good work of Mother Goose by solving another problem for another fairytale character. This time we had to create a safe way for Jim the Gingerbread man to cross the river. His friend had had an unsuccessful crossing on the nose of a fox and Jim was keen for a better outcome!  We demonstrated creative thinking and reasoning and made many successful solutions including bridges and boats.
Have a super weekend,

Mrs.Davie and P1.