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Good afternoon,
Our highlight this week was meeting the huge jungle animals suspended from our class ceiling. They are: Slinky Linky Snake, Gordon, The Go-For-It Gorilla, Colin The Concentrating Crocodile, Priscilla, The Proud Peacock, Katie, The Creative Chameleon and Polly, The Persevering Parrot. They are with us to remind us of the attributes of a good learner, qualities we need to have in order to learn.
On Monday we met Slinky Linky Snake who reminds us that in order to help us learn knew things we should think about what we already know. He displayed this quality as he used the skills he already had when climbing trees, to help him climb long grass. We displayed this quality as we used the "pinch and flip" pencil holding grip in order to hold crayons properly too.
On Tuesday we met Gordon The Go For It Gorilla who reminds us that to be a good learner you must always give things a go. He shared his story about being too nervous to swing through the jungle but was happy when he gave it a go and made it to the ice-cream van with his friends. We have been giving new things a go all week in school.
On Wednesday we met Colin The Concentrating Crocodile who reminds us to concentrate. We learned about when Colin was a little crocodile swimming in the River Nile and had to concentrate on following his daddy. We practised concentrating to learn new playground games.
On Thursday we met Priscilla The Proud Peacock who taught us that if you take pride over your activities you will do a good job. We took pride over our art on Thursday afternoon to make beautiful Scottish Deer paintings. Priscilla told us about how she took pride over keeping her bedroom tidy and was thrilled when the king came to stay.
On Friday we met Katie the Creative Chameleon as we created our own, original  pictures in Drawing Club, just like Katie did to help her win the Jungle Art Competition.
Finally we met Polly The Persevering Parrot who reminds us too keep on going and never giving up. She persevered and was able to get into the most delicious coconut and we kept on going with our litter picking in outdoor learning and achieved a very clean outdoor environment. 

Have a great weekend
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Ted.