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Good afternoon,
This week we welcomed a story basket from Mother Goose asking us to help Incy Wincy Spider protect his baby cousin from the rain when they are going down the water spout.
Before solving the problem, we got to know the nursery rhyme really well by playing a missing word quiz. We also practised this skill using missing word sentences about our own reading books later in the week.
In small groups the children planned, created, tested, improved, retested and evaluated their solutions. Incy`s cousin has lots to choose from!
In fact, spiders have fascinated us this week and as well as using non-fiction texts to learn more about them, we have also enjoyed stories featuring spiders. Spiderella was a firm favourite! Our spider stories featured lots of other minibeast characters. On Friday we decided to go and look for some real minibeasts for our Outdoor Learning afternoon.
Other literacy tasks this week were learning to read and spell the common words `down` and `now` as well as practising lots of the other common words taught. In phonics we learned the sound made by ie and ue. I have enjoyed looking at related homework uploads on Seesaw.
In numeracy this week we concluded our numbers to 20 topic. The children have had experience of recognising and writing the numbers; counting forwards and backwards, understanding the numbers in terms of their place value ( tens and ones), identifying odds and evens, using the vocabulary after, before ,in between, more and less, completing missing number ladders, dot-to-dot ordering and more. Next week we will move onto our 3D shape topic where we will learn to sort, recognise, name and discuss the properties of the sphere, cylinder, cone, cube and cuboid as we create, play and complete challenges. We will complete our topic with a walk around the Pitcorthie Estate looking for 3D shapes in the real world. Please see Seesaw for details if you would like to support us by accompanying us on our walk.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Biscuit.