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Good afternoon,
The highlight of our week was another delivery from the school office!
Mother Goose was so pleased with our problem-solving abilities that she had sent us another one of her story baskets.
At the top of the baskets were clues to the story.The first clue was a bridge. Many of us thought that the clues were pointing to "London Bridge is Falling Down", but with the subsequent clues of green grass and three different sized goats, we correctly guessed that the story was "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". We are becoming more skilled at sharing our thoughts  and explaining our thinking.

Before accepting the problem to solve, we decided to get to know the characters and their story better. To support us, we sorted sentences to sequence the story. We used this skill taught, to also sort sentences from our own reading books, sequencing our stories correctly.

The problem was a serious one! Baby Billy Goat Gruff explained that the troll had returned and was living back under the bridge and the goats needed an alternative way to cross the river. Working in little teams, the children discussed, planned, created, tested, evaluated, improved and retested ways for the goats to cross the river.  The children sent their creations of bridges and boats off to Baby Billy Goat and an e-mail of thanks was returned to us.  

This week we also learned the sound made when the letters o and a go together. We practised reading and spelling oa words and practised sentence writing as we included oa words in sentences.

We continued learning about numbers to 20 in maths. Our focus was upon the numbers 14-17. As well as learning to read, write and order the numbers, we counted pictures accurately, identified odd and even numbers, developed the mathematical language of before, after and between and used these numbers to explore place value. Many of the children can descibe the numbers in terms of tens and ones and identify what would happen to a given number if more tens or more ones were added. A great foundation for the P2 topic of numbers to 100.

In PE we were developing ball skills. The children were taught how to perform different types of passes and they used what they had learned to play simple team games.

On Thursday we took part in our music teacher, Mrs.Baxter`s retirement  celebrations. We spent a lovely afternoon singing songs , listening to the choir and sharing stories. We all wish Mrs Baxter the very happiest of retirements. 

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Biscuit.