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Good afternoon,

I hope you all had a lovely Mayday Holiday Monday. The children shared their news with each other and as part of our Early Talking and Listening curriculum , the children practised listening carefully to others and asking relevant questions.
We also discussed what the new month of May looks like and illustrated our own copy of the May calendar page. We recorded events and then took home to add family appointments, events etc.
As another part of the maths curriculum , we continued our learning around money. This week we learned to make the total price of our shopping by adding the price tag of 2 and 3 items. We also practised using the correct coins to pay for the items. Some children also worked on giving change from 10p.
After the success of our problem-solving for Mother Goose last week, we recieved a problem for Little Riding Hood. Before solving her problem we got to know the story really well by completing missing word sentences. We consolidated this skill by completing missing word sentences taken from our own reading books too.
The problem from Little Red Riding Hood arrived. She was unable to read the map her mother had given her to get herself directly to grandmas house so asked us to send her written directions instead. This week we worked hard on learning our left and right and were then able to do as Little Red Riding Hood asked.

Of course the highlight of our week was celebrating the Kings Coronation. We helped decorate the hall by creating lovely red, blue and white repeated pattern paper chains. As encouraged by the King, we took part in an activity to improve the community, - our Pitcorthie Litter Pick. Thank you so much to the parents who made this possible by coming with us.  We also created our very own crowns, with nearly as much as the 444 jewels on King Charles Coronation crown, before enjoying our Coronation picnic.

Have a lovely coronation weekend and holiday Monday,
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Biscuit.