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Dear adults,

The magic of Christmas has well and truly landed in Primary 1. The children triumphed on the stage on Tuesday in this year's Nativity, `Stable by Starlight`. The stars, the animals, the angels, shepherds, Innkeeper, townspeople, wisemen, camels and Mary and Joseph all danced and sang their little hearts out. They absolutely loved every minute of performing and expressed their  disappointed when they realised that there were no more practises following the Nativity !

On Wednesday the children enjoyed their School Christmas Lunch, the chats, the music and of course their little snap-band gift. 

The cold weather this week provided the best conditions for learning about how living things depend on each other, about migration and hibernation and about the changing states of water. With temperatures below zero degrees centigrade, the children saw for themselves that water turns into its solid form of ice and after bringing it into the classroom, that above zero degrees, ice turns back into the liquid form of water. Recognising the effect of the drop in temperature for the birds, we put food and water into our school garden to help the birds.

Participating in P4s Fairtrade bake sale, the children learned all about Fairtrade and were able to make links to The UN Rights. Embedding Rights Respecting school is one of Fifes and indeed Canmores Priorities for this session.

A wee reminder that our P1 Christmas Party is on Tuesday afternoon. Children can come to school wearing party clothes. Please remember that the children will still be outdoors at break and lunch, weather permitting, and may also still take part in arts and crafts, so best not to wear best party clothes or delicate footwear! 

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Biscuit.