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Dear adults,

Welcome back and I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. 

On return we were excited to get a new class calendar and the children have been learning about the purpose of calendars. The children were given their own copy of the January page and after discussing what January is like and the special events that take place, they created an appropriate picture for their January page. Together we recorded class events taking place in January and have been given their page home to share with you. As part of the Early Years Curriculum , the children are expected to be able to record events on a simple calendar so I encourage you to support your child in recording `family activities` such as swimming lessons or visits to grandparents or appointments onto this January page also and use it at home. Each month a new page will come home.  We also welcomed a new boy, Harry, to our class! We hope you will love being with us at Canmore.
In Art lessons we have also been busy creating our own calendars. We are looking forward to taking them home early next week, once the paint has dried!

Our PE days remain on a Tuesday and Thursday for Term 3 and children should come to school wearing their gym clothes ( black joggers or leggings with a white polo or t-shirt). Gym shoes will continue to be kept in your childs tray to change into.
Outdoor learning resumes on a Friday next week and again children should come to school in old/play clothes with a waterproof jacket and a pair of wellies in a carrier bag to change into on this day.

Thank you as always, for your support,
Mrs.Davie, P1 and Biscuit the class teddy!